The Complete Chi’s Sweet Home, Part 1(2015)

Jaapanikirjanduse väljakutse 2021

NOVEMBER:Shichi-go-san- Jaapani autori lasteraamat või raamat lastest

The Complete Chi’s Sweet Home, Part 1(2015)(480lk)

Autor: Kanata Konami

Kirjastus: Vertical Comics


This book is the Cat’s Meow

Celebrating the conclusion of Konami Kanata’s international megahit Chi’s Sweet Home, The Complete Chi is a new edition that honors some oft he best Japan has ever offered in the field of cat comics. A multiple New York Times Best Seller and two-time winner of the Manga.Ask.Com Awards for Best Children’s Manga, Konami Kanata’s tale of a lost kitten has been acclaimed by readers worldwide as an excellent example of a comic that has truly been accepted by readers of all-ages.

Presented in a brand new larger omnibus format, this edition compiles nearly 480 pages of Kitty cartoon tales, including two never before translated shorts from Konami Kanata’s FukuFuku franchise, making The Complete Chi’s Sweet Home a must have for every cat lover out there.

Contains volumes 1-2-3 and three bonus cat comics!

Chi is a michievous newborn kitten who, while on a leisurely stroll with her family, finds herself lost. Seperated from the warmth and protection of her mother, feels distraught. Overcome with loneliness she breaks into tears in a large urban park meadow., when she is suddenly rescued by a young boy named Yohei and his mother. The kitty is then quickly and quietly whisked away into the warm and inviting Yamada family apartment…where pets are strictly not permitted.

Chi on pisikene kassipoeg, kes on õnnetult eksinud. Oma ema soojusest ja kaitsest eraldatud, tunneb ta end segaduses. Olles juhtunu pärast kurb ja üksik, leiab ta tee parki, kus ootamatult päästab ta noor poiss nimega Yohei koos oma emaga. Ta leiab endale sooja ja armastava kodu, kus tegelikult reegleid järgides üldse lemmikloomi olla ei tohiks.

Oh, kui armas lugu see oli. See on ühtlasi ka esimene koomiks, mis on kassist. Ma polegi ühtegi sellist varem lugenud ja esimest korda tutvustust lugedes teadsin, et just seda ma tahangi selle väljakutse alla lugeda. Kuna on endalgi varem kasse olnud, siis sobis see lugemine mulle väga. Ma ei märganud kordagi, et neid lehekülgi oli nii palju. Lugedes lendlesid need muudkui edasi ja edasi.

Nii südamlik lugu üle pika aja. Nautisin seda väga ja tahaksin endalegi seda mangat koju. Kasvõi siis e-raamatuna.